School Bytes(Archive)

Training young minds to imbibe learning values and becoming academically sound brings with it immense number of challenges-so it has not been too easy to work to fulfil my desire. The Hope Hall platform has eased my job by helping me to attain my goal

It is an enriching experience for me to teach in Hope Hall Foundation School, I have learnt many things, both professionally and personally. It has played a key role in my growth and evolution as an individual. Teaching profession has proved itself to be a

Won the Kalabhushan Award for excellence in Mridangam Recipient of C.C.R.T scholarship from govt. of India for Mridangam. Artist in All India Radio (Yuv-vani). Young Mridangam Maestro, V. Gokul (XII-A) performed at Common – Wealth Games, India - Opening Ceremony.

A Special Assembly was organized to pay homage to Late Shri. A.C. Maheshwari, Founder Chairman on his 15th Death Anniversary on 2nd September, 2016.  A speech was rendered by the Head-girl recalling his great affection for children and his contribution to the world of education. The students